Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How to Make it in America

On thursday me, mikey, dylan, and fig went to check out the han rails in palmyra. Pretty weird spot they're barely knee high and pretty long, and if you go there make sure you bring a sing to cover the big crack at the top. Here's some clips of Dylan and Fig from the spot.

Palmyra rail from Joe Warner on Vimeo.

Also a new Washington Lake Montage is in the works, a few tricks are filmed, so no clue when it'll be done. Hit me up if you wanna film some park footy.
Lastly check this out. a Documentary from "How to Make it in America" titled "The Get By" all about New York City skateboarding, by HBO. with interviews with Fred Gall, Gino, Billy Rohen, and Steve Rodriguez to name a few. I'm pumped on it. A New York trip needs to happen soon!

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